Topic “Fonterra” — Exporter Magazine

nzcurrency-0009-6041172 Fonterra has attacked proposed changes to raw milk regulations, saying profits will head overseas and it will hinder, rather than help, New Zealanders get access to affordable milk, according to the Otago Daily Times. butter-1052085 Butter shortages in Scandinavia, Russia and other parts of the globe suggest that Ireland’s long-term expansion strategy for the dairy sector is well founded, according to the Irish Examiner. dairyfutures-6662010 New Zealand’s dairy firms, including Fonterra, are looking to buy up farms in India’s burgeoning dairy sector, but may not find going down that road free of bumps, a new government report indicates, according to India is facing milk shortages of up to 3 million tonnes a year as it struggles to feed a rapidly expanding middle class, according to feed-9545013

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