Topic “food safety” — Exporter Magazine

U.S. biotech firm Monsanto said in early Feb it does not plan to sell its genetically modified maize MON810 in France this year, nor after, even though the country’s highest court overturned a 3-year ban in November, according to Reuters. Molecular technologies could now be used to foil fishing fraud and boost traceability by determining the origin of even processed products like canned fish, according to More than 200 cases of tainted asparagus juice, produced by Uni-President of Taiwan, have been imported by merchants in China’s Fujian province but the drinks have not been distributed, according to Campylobacter, salmonella and Listeria are among a handful of foodborne bugs that cost the US billions of dollars a year and blight the quality of life for million of victims, according to Leading food manufacturers, academics and the US government will be working with a top level Chinese delegation over the next few weeks as part in an international effort to promote global food safety, according to New research suggests that ice cream manufacturers could turn up the heat of their freezers without jeopardising product quality, according to A Dutch university has developed an analysis to detect fraud or other irregularities in products such as meat and cheese, and is looking to partner with the industry and governments to develop further food tests, according to feed-7092727

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