Topic “Technology News” — Exporter Magazine


New Zealand document management company Stellar Library has attracted the interest of a range of American organisations after attending Interop, the world’s largest annual trade fair for IT in Las Vegas.


Wellington based technology company Tekron has just shipped its first ever Chip Scale Atomic Clock based timing solution, marking the successful miniaturization of the technology and the opening of new markets for the company.


Wellington’s regional economic development agency Grow Wellington is using innovative local mobile technology in its latest campaign to attract technology workers to the region. 

A leading technology marketing specialist says the recent dairy crisis highlights the need for the Government to better support our growing IT industry to become our principal export.


PowerbyProxi, the Kiwi developer of the world’s most advanced and safest wireless power system, attracted strong interest in its In-Device Wirelessly Rechargeable Battery Solution at the recent China Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzen. 

New Zealand’s high-tech sector looks to be holding its own in spite of the prevailing tough global market conditions, if the results from the latest TIN100 report are anything to go by. 

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