Topic “Shipping/Logistics News” — Exporter Magazine

Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), the world’s second largest container shipping line, has announced plans to start a new Oceania Express Service with the Port of Tauranga as it s only New Zealand port call. world-cup-survey-0001-6496387 Evergreen plans on ordering roughly 100 new vessels, of which the largest will be 8,000-TEU ships. It will order 32 of these ships as it intends to deploy eight ships with each of its four group companies in Taiwan, England, Italy and Singapore. Amid last year’s slump, lines mothballed more than 500 ships worldwide to pare capacity. They also began operating vessels at slower speeds, which cuts fuel usage and reduces the total amount of cargo each ship can haul per month. Neptune Orient Lines Ltd (NOL), owner of Southeast Asia’s largest container line, plans to boost capacity about 7% this year as a rebounding global economy revives trade and freight rates. feed-7013271

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