Topic “In the News News” — Exporter Magazine

In what the company says is “the first and only software of its kind in the world” No Major Drama ( (NMD) offers an internet-based tool that enables users to create personalised rankings of majors available for Bachelor (under-graduate) degrees in the US and Canada. Each user’s ranking of majors is based on their own personal selection criteria, related to their skills and interest and their own personal weights on the criteria. newzealand-9743076 Kenya launched two new tea clones last year that are tougher in drought. The research foundation said the two, TRFK 371/3 and TRFK 430/90, yield about 50% more and enhance profitability on better quality. According to general manager Juan José Villasante, Unifrutti will invest US$12 million to boost production capacity and modernize four of its eight production centers in Teno, Linderos, Requínoa and Copiapó. IATA raised its average oil price forecast to $96 per barrel, up from $84 in December, factoring in the impact of fuel hedging which is roughly 50% of expected consumption. The country also plans to build hydropower stations along major rivers such as the Jinsha River, Yalong River and Dadu River with an installed capacity of 120 million kw. The recent flooding in the eastern Australian states will underpin flock growth in the short term as producers try to maximise their returns from the increased feed on offer after years of drought. China has been expanding pilot programs for cross-border trade yuan settlement since last year. The People’s Bank Of China has expanded the trial scheme to 20 provincial regions so far. feed-7657887

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