Topic “In the News News” — Exporter Magazine

Sugar futures surged to a 30-year high on mounting concern that global supplies will trail demand following crop damage in Australia and India, two of the world’s leading producers, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. China will permit designated banks to trade yuan/foreign currency swaps on behalf of their clients from March 1, according to a Reuters report quoting the country’s foreign exchange regulator. Pipfruit NZ chief executive Peter Beaven says apple exporters expect to have more than 17 million cartons to sell this year. According to a Datamonitor study: Other Savoury Snacks in the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) Countries – Market Overview and Forecasts to 2014, India will be the most lucrative destination in terms of revenue and volume growth over the forecast period. exporting-from-a-lifestyle-1-1938237 Europe’s ban on shipping conferences has led to greater rate volatility, costs and supply chain instability but the true impact of this ban cannot be determined due to the impact from the global economic downturn, according to the Shipping Gazette citing the American Shipper. wearing-nztes-badge-key-takeaways-4622810 The Wool Packaging Company in the UK has come up with an award-winning eco alternative to oil-based insulated packaging for delivering and distributing temperature sensitive goods. feed-9619215

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