Topic “In the News News” — Exporter Magazine

Increased demand from the sports nutrition and dietary supplements industries could see the US whey protein approach 500 million pounds (250 million kg) by 2015, according to, citing a Global Industry Analysts report. Exporters with interest in the Hong Kong market needing information about the recently signed Closer Economic Partnership Agreement between New Zealand and Hong Kong can attend information seminars held across three cities in mid June. Sainsbury’s Dairy Development Group producers receive 2.1 pence per litre premium for their milk above the market price, which is designed to reward farmers for good agricultural practice. The payment builds to an average of £26,000 (NZ$59,000) per farmer, per year. Slow steaming has at the end of May 2010 absorbed 100 ships totalling 580,000 TEU, or 4.1 % of the world’s cellular fleet, according to the Shipping Gazette, citing the Paris-based Alphaliner agency. A revolutionary UHT milk processing system by Tetra Pak slashes production time by up to 90%, cuts operating costs in half and reduces capital outlay by almost a third compared to conventional equipment, according to A recent report from the Institute of Personal Care Science of Australia said that the global cosmetics market is worth US$334 billion (NZ$493 billion) and the global halal cosmetics market is estimated at US$13 billion. feed-5918287

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