Topic “In the News News” — Exporter Magazine

747-8-intercontinental-5728284 Boeing Co’s newest, biggest plane has cast a shadow over ceremonies to mark the three-years-late first delivery of its smaller cousin, the composite-plastic 787 Dreamliner, according to a Bloomberg report carried by GulfNews. battle-for-taurangas-contaner-0000-2633990 The New Zealand dollar, which hit a post-float high of US88.43c last month, could fall as low as US72c against the greenback over the next few weeks, according to the NZ Herald, quoting a currency expert. onlineshopping-1537631 US’ second largest package shipping giant FedEx has reduced its full-year forecast despite its first quarter net profit from June to August increase 22% to USD$464 million drawn on revenues of $10.52 billion, according to the Shipping Gazette single-border-control-0019-4668635 Countries from India and Indonesia to Russia are tightening their grip on natural resources as they limit exports to build up domestic industry in a trend that will spawn many challenges to World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, according to China Daily. iata-8244006 The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has increased its global profit forecast for aviation for 2011 with much of the market share taken up by Asia-Pacific carriers while freight prospects appear uncertain this year and next, according to the Shipping Gazette. chinesepoultry-6718814 The US has filed a complaint with the World Trade Organisation in Geneva over Chinese duties on US poultry that are up to 105.4% and have led to a dramatic fall in US poultry exports, according to the Shipping Gazette, citing a Bloomberg report. Economists have revised their forecast for New Zealand’s export growth to reflect global economic uncertainty and expectations the NZ dollar will keep its strength, according to the NZ Institute of Economic Research (NZIER). feed-7427133

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