Topic “In the News News” — Exporter Magazine

crafar-farms_0-1928647 The Michael Fay-backed Crafar Farms Purchase Group has vowed to continue to fight against the land from being sold offshore and says today’s decision to approve the farm sale to Shanghai Pengxin Group “sets up open season for foreign buyers”, the NZ Herald reported. exportmanagersworththeirsalt-0004-3549970 From its humble origins selling coathangers out of his Cambridge garage 30 years ago, his firm – Sistema – has grown to the point where it employs more than 300 staff and holds an 80 per cent share of New Zealand’s food storage market, and 44 per cent of Australia’s. shipping1-4259501 Southern exporters are being cautioned to plan ahead for shipping space with the likelihood major shipping lines will again not be offering unscheduled vessel visits to take pressure off peak season loads, according to Otago Daily Times. nzcurrency-0009-9252965 Fonterra has attacked proposed changes to raw milk regulations, saying profits will head overseas and it will hinder, rather than help, New Zealanders get access to affordable milk, according to the Otago Daily Times. walt_disney_company_logo_expo2010-6627426 Walt Disney Co is on track to open its first store in China in fall 2012 and is committed to opening from 25 to 40 stores in the most populous country during the next three years, according to feed-3237869

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