Topic “green packaging” — Exporter Magazine

PepsiCo said the bottle is 100% recyclable and has a molecular structure identical to petroleum-based PET. In addition, the soft drinks maker claims the bottle is identical to PET drinks containers in terms of look, feel and product protection. more-choppy-rides-key-takeways-2546724 The PepsiCo-owned company rolled out the eco-crisp bag in April 2009 but was inundated with protests that the polylactic acid (PLA) material was too noisy. In October 22010, the US-based snack-maker succumbed to consumer pressure and reverted to the original non-biodegradable material for five of its six SunChips brand bags. foodshoppers-7767083 The soft drinks giant was quoted saying: “While biodegradable packaging can be a sound choice for products that are not commercially recyclable, the process of capturing the embodied energy and raw materials in beverage bottles for reuse through recycling is, in our view, a much better option.” wearing-nztes-badge-key-takeaways-3602891 The Wool Packaging Company in the UK has come up with an award-winning eco alternative to oil-based insulated packaging for delivering and distributing temperature sensitive goods. Snack maker Frito Lay has reverted to the original non-biodegradable material for five of its six SunChips brand bags after consumer feedback indicated its new 100% plant-based polylactic acid (PLA) packaging was too noisy, according to petrol-head-1-0000-2034266 PepsiCo UK is researching the feasibility of converting potato peel waste into crisp packaging and estimates a two year timeframe before market introduction, according to According to, nearly 40,000 people have signed up to a Facebook group criticising the packaging material, plant-based polylactic acid (PLA), for being too loud. It is said to biodegrade in as little as 14 weeks, while conventional chip packets typically take over 100 years. feed-9015185

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