Topic “Asian market Articles” — Exporter Magazine


Keeping track of the ever-changing commercial environment in China is essential for anyone serious about doing business there. The Chinese have few qualms about changing the rules, often dramatically – infant formula exporters to China found this out a few months ago but, as Rod MacKenzie points out, the environment for imported food, consumables and just about everything is constantly changing.


F&B exporters looking to get on supermarket shelves in Hong Kong need a smart long-term strategy in order to stay there.

At first encounter, entering the F&B game in Hong Kong can be overwhelming. In fact, just navigating its teeming sidewalks and constant noise can dismantle your equilibrium. 


Direct trading between the Kiwi dollar and Chinese RMB is now a reality. So what’s the advice for our exporters?


By Rod MacKenzie, former regional director, Greater China, NZTE.

Shanghai is not by any means a typical Chinese city but it takes many of the traits of this rapidly developing nation and magnifies them to varying degrees of extreme. 


By Rod MacKenzie, former regional director, Greater China, NZTE.

The world is slowly sinking under the sheer volume of information about consumers in China. Working out what’s actually relevant to New Zealand in amongst all of this is both something of an exacting science and an art at the same time.


There’s loads of money, squillions of consumers, but culture is key to doing business in Asia, says Singaporean adoptee Hugh Mason.


In the past two years Kiwi fashion label Ketz-ke has cracked the highly competitive Japanese market. For owner-designer Jenny Drury, it’s a major step in her quest to achieve international recognition for her unique brand of clothing.

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