Join the trade mission to Taiwan and Hong Kong — Exporter Magazine


Business people are rating the free trade agreement signed with Taiwan the best ever. 

New Zealand is the only OECD country with a comprehensive, high quality, and rapidly implemented trade agreement with Chinese Taipei.

Since it came into force on 1 December last year most tariffs have already been eliminated including: most dairy, apples, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, wine, lobsters 

and venison. 

Beef tariffs have halved and from January 1 next year will be tariff free.  Next year kiwifruit will be down to a 5% tariff and duty free a year later. 

The ANZTEC agreement offers New Zealand businesses with a unique, high profile and a first mover advantage in Taiwan.  Now is the time to take advantage of it.

Arrangements are well underway for the Export NZ/NZTE Trade Mission to Taiwan and Hong Kong from July 12 for one week only. This is a government mission to all intents and purposes, and the first comprehensive mission there since the signing of the ANZTEC FTA. 

With the FTA in place NZ will have duty free access to Taipei (24 million affluent consumers) for most goods including fresh foods and dairy within the next two or three years if not sooner! 

The mission is to be led by Charles Finny on behalf of the government, Sir Ken Stevens and Business NZ CEO Phil O’Reilly.

NZTE will be managing the programme on the ground in Taiwan in its entirety.

You can join!  Go to the website at for all the arrangements (and another planned for early September to Indonesia).

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